Project Name

Project Name

Project Name

Project Name

3D World NFT

3D World NFT

3D World NFT

3D World NFT





Web Design
Web Design
Web Design
Web Design





Guwen Penny
Guwen Penny
Guwen Penny
Guwen Penny





Dec 10, 2023
Dec 10, 2023
Dec 10, 2023
Dec 10, 2023




Welcome to a case study that uncovers the story of XYZ Corporation's web redesign. In this article, we'll explore how we tackled the challenges XYZ faced with their old website, and how we turned things around to create a more user-friendly and modern online platform.

The Problem:

XYZ Corporation had a few problems with their old website that urgently needed fixing:

  • An Old Look: The website looked like it belonged to a different era, not fitting the sleek and modern image of the company.

  • Getting Lost: Visitors had a tough time finding their way around, leading many to leave the site without exploring it properly.

  • Mobile Woes: With more and more people using phones to browse the internet, XYZ's website wasn't mobile-friendly, frustrating mobile users.

The Solution:

Here's what we did to fix these issues:

  • A Fresh Look: We gave the website a complete makeover with a modern design, making it look up-to-date and attractive.

  • Think Like a User: We listened to the users. By conducting surveys and tests, we figured out what users needed, making navigation easier and content more organized.

  • Mobile Magic: The new design was crafted to work beautifully on all devices, ensuring a smooth experience for mobile users too.


Our web redesign project turned XYZ Corporation's website into a user-friendly and modern online platform. Customer feedback clearly showed that the changes made a positive impact, resulting in a more satisfied user base and a website that matched the company's image.

Custermer Feedback

“Thank you for building such an empowering tool, especially for designers! The site went from Figma to Framer in less than a week.”

Guwen Penny
